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Monday, 30 September 2019

Customary Introductory Post

Hello and welcome to Pages of The Hallows!

We are Mr & Mrs Hallow (to be) and this little chapter of the internet is to document our obsession with continually collecting books and occasionally reading them.
Our goal is to build our own at-home Beauty and the Beast style library even if we have to eat, sleep and read in it. Though currently it comprises mainly of multiple Tolkien, Disney, Narnia and a lot of Harry Potter related collectables.

We both obviously enjoy fantasy, YA and fairy tales but here's a little more about each of us individually.

Mr Hallow
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Favorite author: Tolkien
Preferred medium: Hardback
Most read: The Lord of the Rings series
Hated genre: War, Romance, Non-fiction
Favorite protagonist: Rand al'Thor from The Wheel of Time series
Multiple reads?: Prefer one at a time.
Fantasy travel destination: ...?
Page keeper: Usually bookmarks, some times scraps of paper.
Read goal for 2019: 12

Mrs Hallow
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Favorite author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Preferred medium: Paperback
Most read: Harry Potter series
Hated genres: Romance, Poetry, Contemporary
Favorite protagonist: ...none?
Multiple reads?: Up to 3 at once. Usually 2 hard copies, 1 ebook/audio book.
Fantasy travel destination: Oz from L. Frank Baum's Oz series
Page keeper: Proper bookmarks
Read goal for 2019: 19

Now we're starting this journey together as a complete blogging noob and someone who has been in the community for over 10 years, we can't wait to share this hobby, have fun exploring the world of book blogging and showing you our life through pages.
Fingers crossed it keeps us in check and gives us the motivation to start getting through our always multiplying to be read pile...

💀 Mr & Mrs Hallow 💀