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Monday, 6 January 2020

December Book Haul

We finally succeeded at something you guys! Not buying a stupid amount of books! In September we bought 13 books, in October that shot through the roof to 37 (sickening, and not in the good sense), then in November it dropped to 23...which was still ridiculous considering we'd set a limit of buying only 3 books for each other meaning 6 total, so thankfully and actually relatively shockingly Decembers haul total has come in at under 10 books!
I'm not saying buying books is bad, on the contrary. If you're going to buy anything, books is the best thing for it to be. Plus over 90% of what we do buy is from charity shops. However, we need to get a grip, start some savings properly and oh yeah, we have a honeymoon to think about this year!
More on that another day maybe. As for now, here is our little December book haul!

The Last Four Things by Paul Hoffman
Paperback - 16 Feb 2012

The Firework Makers's Daughter by Philip Pullman
Paperback - 4 Nov 2004

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
Paperback - 8 Feb 2018

Our Tragic Universe by Scarlett Thomas
Paperback - 7 Apr 2011

Treasured Tales by Beatrix Potter
Hardback - 25 Mar 1999

Heidi by Johanna Spyri
Paperback - 18 Sep 2002

Greyfriars Bobby by Eleanor Atkinson
Paperback - 26 May 1994

The Bear and the Nightingale by Kathrine Arden
Paperback - 5 Oct 2017

Some cool little purchases in there huh? We don't know right this second what our limit or goal for book buying in the following months is but like I said earlier, a 37 book haul is a joke when we aren't exactly well off and have other things to prioritize. Still, we'll hopefully keep up the monthly posts and until the next one you can click this link to look back at the previous posts in this series.

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