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Wednesday 5 February 2020

February TBR Lists

January was a crazy month. And not good crazy. It seems that since we got married life has been a roller coaster of good and bad moments and when things are like that, extracurricular activities (ie. this blog) have to just get forgotten about. I even considered just deleting the blog altogether but we're going to keep it going a little while longer...
From now posts won't be on specific days and there won't always be two a week as I personally also post on my photo blog Adventures of the Hallows twice a week too! Pop over there to see what our life looks like through daily photos.
But for now, here is our To Be Read lists for February!!

Mr Hallow's TBR List
Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan - 993 pages
Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code by Eoin Colfer [Mrs' pick] - 329 pages

- Page total: 1322

Mrs Hallow's TBR List
The Call of the Wild by Jack London - 199
The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman [Mr's Pick] - 341
The Toy Makers by Robert Dinsdale [TBR Jar Pick] - 468

- Page total: 1008


We thankfully were still able to get a normal amount of reading done in January despite the busyness and set our yearly reading goals, taking our previous year into account, at 30 for Mr H and 36 for Mrs H. There was a planned post talking about our goals etc but meh, there they are! 
That being said, this is sort of why I've decided to include the page totals for our TBR. If we chose 3 books at 500 pages each we are less likely to get through more of the books we want to read. However if we space them out with a big one and some smaller ones together each month, surely it'll be more manageable?!
To end this post I thought I'd include the 'outtakes'. Enjoy.

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